Looking to spice things up in the bedroom? Tantric sex is an amazing way to reconnect with your partner and is a sure-fire way to have an incredible orgasm.
We talked to tantric sex expert Mare Simone about what tantra is all about, plus, tips for how total newbies can try it without diving in completely.
Tantric Sex. The word “Tantric”, as applied to Tantric Sex, originates in India, where a Tantra is a written text which would have been some kind of written authority on sex, religion or spirituality.
Inspired by the sexual success of these ancient love teachings (who wouldn’t be?), Cosmo came up with a list of tantric sex positions to …
Tantric sex dates back to ancient Eastern tradition and if practiced correctly, can push couples to orgasm repeatedly, more intensely, and more often. Tempting, no? Roughly translated from Sanskrit, “tantra” means “woven together,” physically—and oh, the positions you can try—and mentally. It is
Neotantra, navatantra (Sanskrit: नव, nava ‘new’) or tantric sex, is the modern, western variation of tantra often associated with new religious movements.This includes both New Age and modern Western interpretations of traditional Hindu and Buddhist tantra.
Tantric sex within Hinduism: Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, after Christianity and Islam. It is centered mainly in India.
Tantric sex advocates say that the practice allows them to orgasm for hours on end. Another reported benefit is that it helps partners really love, honour and respect each other as the focus is on pleasuring one another.
Discover the secrets of Tantric lovemaking with these exciting videos.