Penis Size . We’ve all heard the saying “It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with it that counts.” But somehow it doesn’t make any difference, does it?
Hi there, In my dream i seen a man having oral sex with a women. She was sucking his penis for a while and then he started to cum a load and the womens mouth was full.
The origins of the ubiquitous skull and crossed bones symbol are unclear. The symbol itself is quite old, and appears as a funerary symbol in christian catacombs. In the middle ages, it was a common tombstone decoration, and appeared in many “memento mori,” illustrative reminders of mortality
the Ankh – symbol of life – thoracic vertebrae of a bull the Djed – symbol of stability – base or sacrum of a bull’s spine the Was – symbol of power and dominion – a staff made from a dried bull’s penis
The lingam is a column-like or oval (egg-shaped) symbol of Shiva, the Formless All-pervasive Reality, made of stone, metal, or clay. The Shiva Linga is a symbol of Lord Shiva – a mark that reminds of the Omnipotent Lord, which is formless.
Sex Techniques and Positions. Good sexual techniques and positions are only one part of great sex, but they are important if you want to get the greatest pleasure from your penis.
For many pop-culture Christians, the “fish” decal on the back car bumper, or attached to a key chain or door is a symbol of their religion, and …
A phallus is a penis (especially when erect), an object that resembles a penis, or a mimetic image of an erect penis.. Any object that symbolically—or, more precisely, iconically—resembles a penis may also be referred to as a phallus; however, such objects are more often referred to as being phallic (as in “phallic symbol”).
The Ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol. This Egyptian cross is widely known as the symbol of life, but the ankh also has other meanings.
This webpage is for Dr. Wheeler’s literature students, and it offers introductory survey information concerning the literature of classical China, classical Rome, classical Greece, the Bible as Literature, medieval literature, Renaissance literature, and genre studies.