Vnesheconombank, or VEB (Russian: Внешэкономбанк (ВЭБ)), is a Russian government-owned development bank, meant to provide funding for projects aimed at developing the Russian economy.
Development chronology of the International Space Station by Anatoly Zak
UNDP works to eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities through the sustainable development of nations, in more than 170 countries and territories.
I am pleased to welcome you on our blog about the development process of Live Internet TV broadcasting and streaming system. Over the past few years I have led the development of streaming Internet TV broadcasting.
Russian language: Russian language, principal state and cultural language of Russia.
Data, policy advice and research on the Russian Federation including economy, education, employment, environment, health, tax, trade, GDP, unemployment rate, inflation and PISA., In 2016, preliminary data show that …
Resources & Expertise for the Digital Principles. Endorsing the Principles for Digital Development means that an organization, at the highest levels, agrees to put the Digital Principles into practice through its policies, processes and activities.
Industrial Development Fund was established for modernization of the Russian industry, creating new industry sectors and supporting import substitution.
The development of the Spiral orbiter by Anatoly Zak