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Bio: Italian beauty and star of a string of 1970s and 1980s softcore erotic movies Lilli Carati is someone few fans would probably ever have dreamed would have made the step in to hardcore porn. That she did, making no less than five X-rated full-blown hardcore movies near the end of her acting career in the late 1980s, puts her in that rare …
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Monique Angela Hicks (née Imes; born December 11, 1967), known professionally as Mo’Nique, is an American comedian and actress.She first gained fame as a member of the Queens Of Comedy, as well as …
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Max Hardcore (born Paul F. Little; August 10, 1956) is a pornographic actor, producer, and director.He rose to prominence in 1992 with the film series The Anal Adventures of Max Hardcore, which in 1994 was awarded the X-Rated Critics Organization’s award for Best Amateur or Pro-Am series. His work has been classified as gonzo pornography …