The publications of the Maine Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Standards are made available as a public service and reliance on …
Although the majority of teens ages 10 to 14 are not sexually active, a significant number do engage in sexual intercourse. These er teens are at great risk of experiencing negative consequences because of their physical immaturity, vulnerability to older men, and limited education, skills, finances, and other resources.
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This page lists the DEA Publications. Drugs of (2017) – Drugs of delivers clear, scientific information about drugs in a factual, straightforward way.With the information in this guide, parents and caregivers can help their ren make smart choices and avoid the consequences of drug .
NIDA. (2017, December 25). Marijuana: Facts for Teens. Retrieved from
The materials on this site are organized by topic. Use the menu to browse for materials related to the listed topics. You’ll find the most recent materials at the top of each list.
Teen Ink, a national teen magazine, book series, and website devoted entirely to teenage writing, art, photos and forums. Students must be age 13 …
See the Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to common questions.. Know what’s next when you read AAP Journals, view the new 2018 Catalog. AAP News
Beyond Sticks & Stones: How to Help Your Address Bullying. An important book that offers real-world bullying prevention strategies for …
What is marijuana? Marijuana is a mixture of dried, shredded flowers of the cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa. It goes by many different …